Hello! My Name is Chris

Welcome to my corner of the universe! 

I’m a IT nerd by day, and novelist by night.  You can find my books on Amazon, including Blindsided, the first in a new series featuring Sean Colbeth and his trusty number two, Vasily Korsokovach.  As I do have a day job, the second book won’t be out until February, 2021, with the third appearing sometime next summer.  Concrete release dates will appear here, so be sure to follow me to stay in the loop.

If you’ve followed me on Twitter, you know aside from being a total geek, I have a penchant for science fiction and high quality animation.  I can’t promise those passions won’t appear here, too, especially since I have far more space to delve into the finer details of starship design – or whatever catches my fancy.

The Contact Chris link is open, too, where I will be fielding questions about my works.  I can’t promise to be able to answer everything, but I’ll do my best.