Stay In Touch

Besides subscribing to my blog or newsletter, there are several other ad hoc ways you can stay in touch with me.


My primary social media is Mastodon. Follow my account,, for spur of the moment thoughts covering just about anything.


Live events and other interactive activities take place on my official Facebook Author Page. I’ve answered more than a few burning questions from readers there – it’s a great spot for us to casually connect.


I’m also pretty active on Goodreads — check out what I’m reading myself these days and connect with the wider reading community.

Library Thing

In my copious amounts of spare time, I’m also a ravenous reader. Find out what’s in my personal library — and what I’ve currently checked out — over on Library Thing.


Book release information and other tidbits are mirrored on my BookBub profile. Much like Amazon, you can subscribe to new release notifications from that service, provide reviews and connect with other readers of my novels.

Contact Me Directly

Have a question? Want to get in touch with me directly? Feel free to use this form to send me a message; I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.