Tag: upcoming
Unlike both of my main characters, I was a Boy Scout growing up. I have so many memories of participating in that program that it would fill a sizable portion of any memoir I might write, with more than a few chapters highlighting the amazing people I met along the way to my Eagle. Whether…
How Vasily’s Hair Led To Another Book
Who knew that a slight change to a character could spawn another book?
Destination Radio
An upcoming Sean Colbeth Mystery has its roots in memories of searching the radio dial for something to listen to while driving.
What’s Behind My Titles?
It’s an interesting process I go through finding a title for a novel that fits both the story and the underlying theme of the work.
Getting Closer
I’m down to putting the finishing touches on the X-Ray for Peril. It’s usually the final step before the Kindle version goes live; the paperback and hardcover editions are already put to bed, slumbering until the date they awake and begin to ship. In some ways, it’s my favorite step — one last chance to…
Eight isn’t enough
It’s early September as I write this, and I’m just beginning my prep work for my next novel in the Sean Colbeth Investigates series. I found myself taken aback slightly, though, when I realized it would be the eighth novel overall (and fourth one featuring my Windeport Chief of Police). Have I really written seven…
I’m editing book six at the moment and there is a scene where Vasily is hiking in a rather beautiful national forest area of California. The activity is one that harkens back to my youth when many a weekend was spent scampering around the backwoods of Maine for one reason or another. I can’t say…