First – a quick apology. I’ve been traveling for work which put a bit of a crimp in my schedule; normally, I would tease tidbits of a new release in more than just two installments, but I’m afraid that’s all I’m going to be able to squeeze in for Requiem. While I’d also hoped to be able to do another Facebook Live release party, between getting the final version of Requiem to the publisher and writing the latest installment of Vasily Korsokovach’s series, it looks like it’s just not going to happen.

To try and make up for those deficiencies, I’ve roped in a dear friend of mine to do something of an author Q&A for Requiem. We’ve recorded it as a podcast and my plan is to try and get it posted as close to the release date for Requiem as I can. We had an awesome time putting it together; I wanted it to feel like two friends chatting about a good book, and I think we managed to capture that spirit — even if we did have a few unusual technological hurdles to get over (which will be a story for another post). Look for the announcement of the podcast here on the blog or on my various social media outlets.

And now to the main event — with only a few days to go before Requiem drops, here are a few tantalizing tidbits to keep you on pins and needles…

Alejandro gets a haircut.

Now I realize this wouldn’t be a headline for most novels, but in Vasily’s world, seeing Alex without his mountain of dark curls is a bit of a seismic event — a massive change takes some getting used to. What prompts Alex to get said haircut is too much of a spoiler to reveal…

The condo gets a bit more crowded.

There’s an unexpected addition to the family in Requiem, one who immediately makes themselves at home in the small condo in Anaheim. It’s an interesting opportunity for Vas and Alex to discover what they would be like as parents…

We see a new portion of Rancho Linda.

I bet you didn’t know the city had a theater designed by the same architect that built Rosie’s mansion. Honestly, I didn’t either — at least, not until the location popped onto my screen.

Vas has a frosty one-on-one with his mother.

We’ve not seen much of Vasily’s parents since that fateful encounter at Disneyland way back in Pariah. Unfortunately, it’s not much of a reunion, given how chilly their relationship currently is. Then again, there are some tiny hints that there might be a thawing in the offing.

Vas meets Alejandro’s mother for the first time.

Yeah, it’s not exactly a warm reception he receives when he chances a visit while in Tucson. But it does provide him with an opportunity to plant the seeds of reconciliation — something he’s been unable to do with his own family.

This murder is personal.

Requiem is a bit darker than earlier Vasily novels — which is saying something, given what happened to him in Peril. Still, when the ultimate motivation for the killer is finally revealed, even Vasily is taken aback by the why.

I really enjoyed writing Requiem and hope you’ll find in an interesting read. You can pre-order a Kindle version now, or get hardcover and paperback editions starting on November 28.


2 responses to “Requiem Tidbits: Two”

  1. Enjoying both series immensely! I only wanted to comment on Vasily and Alex’s very committed relationship and the use of condoms during their more intimate moments. I am not sure why in this era of testing and the use of Prep within the gay community. I do hope that in the future that you would kindly please eliminate this step. I do not recall an HIV issue with either. Keep writing ! Excellent!

    1. Hi Edward!

      Thank you for your kind comments! I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying both series. There’s plenty more to come for both Sean and Vasily. I love both of these characters immensely and am humbled and gratified that someone else does, too.

      Your observation regarding condom use is actually quite timely; I’m smack dab in the middle of writing Masks, the seventh book in the series and without spoiling it too much, things are definitely heating up between Vas and Alex. I have to admit, one of my favorite aspects of the Vasily series is the relationship between those two, something I have been incredibly careful about – and in many ways, quite deliberate in – portraying. Vas has quite a bit of baggage from his pre-Alex days, and no small amount of self-recrimination over his rather risky behavior during that period. No, you’ve not overlooked an HIV-positive storyline buried among the pages of the series, but there is a subtle thread you’ve uncovered that, based on his past, Vasily is hyperaware that he should be careful, especially with the man who has captured his heart. Exactly why he’s not taken the extremely sensible precaution of getting tested will ultimately be revealed when someone close to him does come up positive. (Before you panic, it’s not Alex.)

      (I probably shouldn’t reveal that Alex will ultimately be the one to pull Vasily out of this mindset during what I hope will be an incredibly emotional soul-to-soul moment. I’ve not written the actual scene yet – frankly, it terrifies me a little – but in the end, it will represent another milestone on their way to their happily-ever-after that I keep promising. It’s coming! Honest!)

      I agree that the environment under which their relationship is blooming is far different than even five years ago; the availability of both testing and antivirals have been a game changer. While I’ve been a bit coy about the exact ages of my characters – I adhere to the Robert B. Parker methodology that they only grow as old as I need them to be – my backstory for Vasily has him coming of age when some of these changes were just beginning and is therefore slightly skeptical of them. Alex is younger than Vas and has never known a world without the freedom testing/antivirals have given him – though, honestly, he’s not quite as, uh, worldly as Vas once was. It’s a tiny generational difference that adds a bit of complexity to the characters, despite my never having truly spelled that out in prose. (At least, not yet. 😊)

      Anyway, I’ve gone all writer on you and given you five hundred words that could be easily boiled down to “hang in there, changes are coming in Masks.” Hopefully you can…
