Peril is Done!

I’ve just received my paperback proof for the latest Vasily adventure, so it’s feeling a bit more like the story is finally done. For a book I never expected to write, it’s been one of the most interesting tales I’ve crafted yet – and, clocking in at 300+ pages, my longest.

There are a few more final edits to do — some shifting here and there — but other than that, time for me to focus on getting the next installment — Ditched — ready for its February, 2022 release.

I admit to being a bit distracted as I’m simultaneously working on the fourth Sean Colbeth story; it’s been a while since I’ve had Sean roaming around in my head, but it’s been a refreshing change of pace. I love both of my characters but there’s something special when I get to expand on my original creation. 🙂