Forgive me for adding a bit of a timeline cleanser.

I’m not sure about you, but as we wrap up the second month of 2025, I feel a bit like it has been far, far longer than that. The spring semester at the university is always more of a sprint to the finish line, what with Graduation in May; this year in particular, I am rather swamped with projects that are all due in the next few weeks. (And that doesn’t count the words I’m trying to get in on Silenced, or the planning for other novels that will be written this year.)

Needing something of a break, I talked my wife into visiting the Tucson Botanical Gardens recently. While not the most ideal time of year to swing through, plant-wise, I knew that one portion of the garden would be perfect no matter what. Please enjoy these shots I took of the Great Garden Express, an expertly designed garden railroad that looks far better than anything I’ll ever be able to do in my own backyard.


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