…four books out in one year? Who would have thought it?

As I write this, Peril has gone live on all editions — Kindle, paperback and hardcover. It’s hard to believe it was a little less than a year ago that Blindsided appeared, and though Peril is actually the seventh book written, the chronology of my series required that it sneak out as the fourth book published. (You can find out more about why that happened here and in the Author’s Note inside Peril.)

Looking back on this past year (as most of us tend to do when the calendar shifts toward January), I realized it has been a pretty successful run so far. I’m not a New York Times bestselling author — yet — but all of my published works have, for the most part, outperformed my expectations this early in the process. Blindsided remains the most popular book in my catalog, with Outsider slowly closing in on it; I’m especially excited at the pre-order interest in the third book of that series, Downhill. Sean Colbeth appears to be a popular character, and I look forward to continuing to share him with everyone in his fourth book — Canceled — due out late next year.

Vasily Korsokovach wound up being the lead in three of the four books I wrote in 2021. He is such an intriguing character for me — and so different from Sean — that it’s hard for me to put him aside. His first book, Pariah, has been a slow burner, taking a bit longer than I expected to catch on with readers — though there were a few shocking points on the calendar when Pariah broke the top 100 books on Amazon, the most recent being early December:

What an amazing 2021 — and what a way to end it!

As much as I love our first outing with the SoCal surfer, I’m pragmatic enough to understand he might not be the right cup of tea for everyone (so to speak). Still, there are plenty more stories to come from his neck of the woods, so Vasily’s not going anywhere anytime soon. We’ll see two more books from him in 2022 — Ditched and Bygones — both of which take a deeper look at his background (and, maybe, just maybe, allow him a bit of happiness, too).

I did actually write four books in 2021, and have plans to keep up that pace in 2022. While those stories are still in their most nascent form, I’m pretty excited at the adventures we will share together in the coming months. Stay tuned to my blog for updates as we enter the New Year.