It’s early September as I write this, and I’m just beginning my prep work for my next novel in the Sean Colbeth Investigates series. I found myself taken aback slightly, though, when I realized it would be the eighth novel overall (and fourth one featuring my Windeport Chief of Police).

Have I really written seven novels? Apparently, the answer is an unequivocal yes, though several are still in the publishing pipeline and won’t see the light of day until later this year or early next. Still, it’s pretty cool to consider how many words I’ve managed to get down on paper, and how I’ve been able to grow my little fictional universe.

Admittedly, Vasily has taken up more of my time as of late; he’s such a complexly interesting character, it’s been hard for me to resist telling stories from his perspective. Considering he’d originally been envisioned as just a sidekick for Sean, it’s quite the upgrade — and one I’ve been very pleased to see happen.

Book eight, though, returns to my original creation, someone who has also grown over the course of the three novels he’s appeared in so far. Loosing his best friend at the end of Blindsided was only partially offset by his meeting Suzanne Kellerman; it’s changed Sean in ways that he’s only beginning to understand, creating a journey for him nearly as interesting as the one Vasily embarked upon when he bolted for California.

I also know now that I am far from finished telling the stories of these two characters. Eight books in and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface; I’m so excited to see where I go from here — and incredibly happy to have you along for the ride.