attractive businessman busy clock

Duality Tidbits: Three

December seems to be zipping by pretty quickly! That means we’re another few days closer to Duality appearing. How about a few more tidbits to help pass the remaining time…?

Sean knows how to surf.

Granted, the Maine coast isn’t nearly as conducive to the sport as, say, Southern California, but Vasily still managed to get the basics across to his best friend during their time together in Windeport. Sean gets a chance to show off what he remembers while trying not to freeze to death in the icy cold Pacific.

Suzanne is a bit stressed.

Sean is acutely aware of the pressure his girlfriend is under — it’s not easy being the only physician for miles around. He’s therefore made it a priority to ensure he finds new and creative ways to help her relax and unwind at the end of her very long days. (Did I mention the Chat Noir costume was making an appearance…?)

Windeport seems to be a rather popular destination.

For a town that was in its death throes a year earlier, the tourism business seems to have given it a new lease on life; I suppose that has more to do with the author loving the location and not wanting it to slowly fade out of existence. Of course, the rather poorly timed increase in murders may put a slight damper on that enthusiasm…

Alejandro continues to learn what it means to love a detective.

The hours are long and the cases often grueling; what little free time he does get with Vasily is often interrupted. Still, Alex can’t see a life without Vasily in it, so he continues to act as a moderating force to ensure Vasily’s career doesn’t wind up eating both of them alive.

Charlie’s headed to Paris.

Full disclosure: this started out as a hypothetical suggestion from one of my beta readers, one that lead to our intrepid Director of the Windeport Public Library making a cameo appearance in a piece of FanFiction I’d been working on at the time. While that particular work has, shall we say, been lost to the sands of time, I liked the idea of Charlie getting picked to be a keynote speaker so much I turned it into an actual plot point. (I am sad that she won’t meet the Heroes of Paris, though…)

Okay! That’s it for this post. Don’t forget to RSVP for the Book Release Party and stay tuned for more tidbits in the next post.