I can neither confirm nor deny that Sean Colbeth demanded equal time after the countdown posts I did for Vasily’s last novel were so popular. Since I had such a great time doing them, though, it was easy to agree to revisiting the concept once again. So, in no particular order (and with respect to not spoiling the plot), let us begin:

Talk radio figures prominently.

Yeah, that’s a bit of a play on words — honestly, I couldn’t help it. But the plot does revolve around the disappearance of a nationally renown on-air talent based out of a radio station that looks suspiciously like one that used to exist in Portland, Maine. (Sadly, these days, it’s just a parking lot…)

USM has a cameo.

As an undergraduate student, I had the chance to use what was the then-new Glickman Library — but that was before the upper floors were finished. It seemed only right to have Sean check it out for me three decades later, though I may have taken some liberties with the interior layout (including giving the café on the top floor quite the view).

Sean still hasn’t found a replacement for Vasily.

As Duality opens, Sean finally accepts the fact that Vasily isn’t going to return to Windeport and reluctantly decides to put more effort into finding someone to fill the position he’s held open. While he’s initially resigned that no one will likely measure up to his friend, a chance encounter during the investigation will lead him to reconsider…

The Chat Noir costume makes an appearance. Again.

At this point, it wouldn’t be a Sean Colbeth novel if he didn’t spend a little time wearing the outfit his cousin made for him. This time around, though, it plays a supporting role in resolving something from Sean’s past.

Duality has more than one meaning.

I suppose that’s true of all of my titles; there’s always the obvious tie to the story that is ultimately revealed, and then my more subtle shadings that may or may not be apparent after the first reading. This time out, it’s also a not-so-subtle reference to the fact that the investigation will take Sean from Windeport to Rancho Linda… and, maybe, to the reason why he has to go.

Okay! That’s it for now. More tidbits in my next post — and don’t forget to RSVP for my Facebook Live book release!