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Duality Tidbits: Five

We’re just days away now from the release of Duality. Here are some final thoughts, presented in a Q&A format…

Does anyone die?

Duh. It’s a murder mystery.

Yes, yes – I meant do any of the main characters die?

I wouldn’t be a very good author if I told you that, now would I? But I should point out that this book is written from Sean’s first-person perspective. That might be a bit of a clue…

Yikes! Then that means–

I’m going to stop you right there and point you toward my list of books in both series. As I’m not currently into crafting ghost stories, this should give you some comfort.

Does Sean get to drive the Camaro?

Not in this book. (hint, hint)

Will we ever get to learn more about Deidre?

You had to bring up Sean’s fiancé, didn’t you? The short answer is, yes. The long answer… will span this book and Bewitched.

Sean spends a ton of time in the water. Why is he still training the way he does?

That is a fascinating question. I’ve spent a fair amount of time consulting with my experts on this (and yes, I do have some), and the simple response is that many high caliber athletes continue to enjoy the endorphins that result from putting in a good workout long after their true competitive days are behind them. In Sean’s case, he also uses his time in the pool to both decompress and cogitate on whatever case he’s currently working. He knows he’s never going to the Olympics again, but those training habits were formed when he was very young; now, it’s just part of who he is. (It also allows him to go head-to-head with Vasily at the national meets, something we’ve not seen in one of my novels… yet.)

I can’t believe Sean didn’t know who Harry Potter was.

I feel like I should emphasize that during his peak competitive years (roughly from age 13 to his 20s), Sean’s day consisted of getting up, going to the pool, going to class, going back to the pool, going to the gym, doing homework, and then trying to sleep. Whatever free time he did have was spent helping out in his parent’s pharmacy; thankfully clerking behind the soda fountain helped keep Sean from being completely socially awkward. (Suzanne has, of course, pulled him even further out of his shell, completing the process that Charlie’s kids began years earlier.)

All right, that’s enough for now. Please be sure to RSVP for the Facebook Live Book Release or get your copy of Duality reserved today.