Thank you for making the end of my year so wonderful!

It’s been just a few days since Peril went live; I have to admit, I’m always something of a nervous wreck during a book launch. Will the new story resonate with my readers, I always wonder, or will anyone actually find the new book in the first place? Honestly, I thought after publishing Blindsided the anxiousness would ameliorate somewhat.

But it hasn’t.

I’m sure it’s a natural reaction to crafting something for others to enjoy. These two characters — Sean and Vasily — feel like part of my family, which I suppose is pretty accurate considering how much time I’ve spent with them over these past two years. I want them to succeed almost as if they were truly out there on their own, making their way through the world. Much like true children, though, once they take those first tentative steps to leave the nest, there are limits to how much you can actually help them in their quest for success.

While not a perfect analogy, it does allow me a measure of gratitude for what I discovered Christmas Eve…

Hang on, are those my books…?

Not one but two of my books — Peril and its successor, Ditched, were on the Bestselling New Releases list for my genre. It was a welcome surprise gift that continues to give, for as I write this, the Kindle edition of Peril has moved up to #18…

…wait, those are my books…

…and is threatening to break the top 100 overall for LGBTQ+ Mysteries. So people have found me! How insanely cool is that…?

My immense gratitude to all of the readers who decided to find out a little bit more about Vasily Korsokovach and the world he lives in. Now that you’re here, I hope you hang around for a bit, for there is far more to come both series. The most up-to-date information will be here on my blog, so be sure to subscribe to stay in the know.