Category: Vasily Korsokovach Investigates
Eleven Things: 10
Wow! We are really getting close now. Here’s another tidbit about Vasily: 10. His long hair started as part of his rebellion as a teenager. As you might have guessed, Vasily’s relationship with his parents grew more complicated the closer he got to his high school graduation; the greater the pressure on him to conform…
Eleven Things: 9
Another item from Vasily’s background… 9. Vasily can actually cook. Despite the last nugget posted for Day 8, Vas is a very good chef and has a small wicker box full of recipes that he was given back in Windeport. While nothing on his list is a dish you’d find at a five-star restaurant, his…
Eleven Things: 8
More tidbits about Vasily: 8. Vasily has a weakness for Olive Garden and In-N-Out Like most athletes, Vasily has a pretty strict regimen in terms of how he treats his body; not only does he work out (like, all the time), he generally focuses on a well-balanced diet that keeps him in tip-top shape. Except……
Eleven Things: 7
Continuing tidbits on Vasily: 7. Vasily grew up in a wealthy family, but was disowned by his parents. Some of this backstory appears in Blindsided, of course, but we get a more personal look at what it meant to grow up a child of privilege and then have that ripped away; by the time we…
Eleven Things: 6
More tidbits on Vasily: 6. Yes, he did intentionally lease a condo with a view of Disneyland. As he tells his new boss in the opening chapter of Pariah, Vas had looked for a place to live in Rancho Linda but found even with his amazing salary there wasn’t much he could afford. Honestly, though,…
Eleven Things: 5
Continuing with tidbits about Vasily… 5. He’s a huge fan of comic books – and a particular superhero show Outsider gave me a chance to showcase Vasily’s love for comic books… and to confirm that he does, indeed, cosplay. When his poor best friend is forced to wear a full-body costume to a Halloween party…
Eleven Things: 4
Continuing tidbits for Vasily: 4. Vasily drives a cherry red Camaro convertible. We don’t see much of it in Blindsided or even Outsider, and frankly, it spends most of Pariah being shipped to California from Maine. That doesn’t diminish the fact that it’s the detective’s pride and joy, a present he bought himself a year…
Eleven Things: Day 3
More tidbits from the upcoming Pariah! 3. Vasily gets a taste of old Hollywood. When Vasily picks up his new case, he meets with the famous author Rosalia Frankenhoffer, who just happens to be living in a mansion that used to belong to a world-renowned movie producer. Built back during the Golden Age of Hollywood,…
Eleven Things: Day 2
Continuing with tidbits on Vasily: 2. Vasily surfs I suppose it’s not that surprising, given that Vas is from Southern California. As it happens, his parents had a deep-seated desire for Vasily to become a model or a leading man in Hollywood, so in addition to pushing him (hard) to excel at swimming, they carved…
Pariah is Out!
When things really get going, they get going. All three editions of Pariah are now available for order; you can find them on Amazon as well as most major retailers (save for the Kindle edition). I can’t believe I’ve got three books out there now – what an amazing year of writing it has been!…