Category: Sean Colbeth Investigates
Memories of living through cold New England winters and blustery Nor’easters helped to create the latest Sean Colbeth mystery.
My first book, Blindsided, revolves around the murder of a local professor who, as it turns out, happened to be peer reviewing research regarding a new “super potato” that purportedly was able to fend off all manner of blight, thus increasing the potential yields for the farmers in Maine. It might seem like an unusual…
Four Books!
As I write this, Peril has gone live on all editions — Kindle, paperback and hardcover. It’s hard to believe it was a little less than a year ago that Blindsided appeared, and though Peril is actually the seventh book written, the chronology of my series required that it sneak out as the fourth book…
Eight isn’t enough
It’s early September as I write this, and I’m just beginning my prep work for my next novel in the Sean Colbeth Investigates series. I found myself taken aback slightly, though, when I realized it would be the eighth novel overall (and fourth one featuring my Windeport Chief of Police). Have I really written seven…
TBT: Early Sean and Vasily
The main character of my Sean Colbeth Investigates series has been with me for a long time. I think the first time he burst into being was back in 2008. I’d been tinkering around the edges of a science fiction novel that didn’t seem to be going where I wanted it to go, and found…
Ramping Up
I’m nearly halfway though my third pass editing my next book, Pariah. It’s the first book where Vasily Korsokovach takes center stage and carries the entire story. He’s such a unique character — and so different from my first detective, Sean Colbeth. I’ve had an amazing time seeing the world from his perspective, so much…
That, As They Say, Is That
…save for writing the final chapter and the epilogue. I’d hoped to get a first draft of Book Five done in January, but it was a busier month than I expected. It’ll sit for a bit while I consider what Book Six will be — and, of course, I need to edit Pariah. But it…
It’s Been A Busy Week!
My thanks to all of you who were following along during my mini-countdown to the release of Outsider. I had a lot of fun coming up with the tiny snippets about the book and will do something similar I think when Pariah is close to arriving. (Incidentally, you can pre-order Pariah right now on Kindle…