Category: Novels
Four Books!
As I write this, Peril has gone live on all editions — Kindle, paperback and hardcover. It’s hard to believe it was a little less than a year ago that Blindsided appeared, and though Peril is actually the seventh book written, the chronology of my series required that it sneak out as the fourth book…
Getting Closer
I’m down to putting the finishing touches on the X-Ray for Peril. It’s usually the final step before the Kindle version goes live; the paperback and hardcover editions are already put to bed, slumbering until the date they awake and begin to ship. In some ways, it’s my favorite step — one last chance to…
Eight isn’t enough
It’s early September as I write this, and I’m just beginning my prep work for my next novel in the Sean Colbeth Investigates series. I found myself taken aback slightly, though, when I realized it would be the eighth novel overall (and fourth one featuring my Windeport Chief of Police). Have I really written seven…
Want an Early Peek?
I’m in the final stages of editing Peril and am looking for a beta reader to replace one of my regulars who is not available this time around. If you are interested, send me a message using the form below!
I’m editing book six at the moment and there is a scene where Vasily is hiking in a rather beautiful national forest area of California. The activity is one that harkens back to my youth when many a weekend was spent scampering around the backwoods of Maine for one reason or another. I can’t say…
Eleven Things: Bonus
Today’s the official release for Pariah, so I thought I’d celebrate with a bonus tidbit about Vasily. Why is Vasily’s favorite color blue? It’s the primary color for the swim team Vasily was on when he won his first international gold medal in butterfly… and the team where he met Sean Colbeth. While he might…
Eleven Things: 11
Here we are, on the eve of the release for Pariah — or, at least, the release of the Kindle version. I hope you’ve enjoyed these little peeks into the background of my character — it’s been fun sharing some of the backstory that’s not necessarily in the books (yet). And now, the finale: 11.…
Eleven Things: 10
Wow! We are really getting close now. Here’s another tidbit about Vasily: 10. His long hair started as part of his rebellion as a teenager. As you might have guessed, Vasily’s relationship with his parents grew more complicated the closer he got to his high school graduation; the greater the pressure on him to conform…
Eleven Things: 9
Another item from Vasily’s background… 9. Vasily can actually cook. Despite the last nugget posted for Day 8, Vas is a very good chef and has a small wicker box full of recipes that he was given back in Windeport. While nothing on his list is a dish you’d find at a five-star restaurant, his…
Eleven Things: 8
More tidbits about Vasily: 8. Vasily has a weakness for Olive Garden and In-N-Out Like most athletes, Vasily has a pretty strict regimen in terms of how he treats his body; not only does he work out (like, all the time), he generally focuses on a well-balanced diet that keeps him in tip-top shape. Except……