Category: Novels
Outsider: Six Days
I’m starting to feel like we’re going through the Twelve Days of Christmas, but there are no pear trees in this story. (Or are there?) 6. Blueberries are blueberries. Some things are just better in Maine, as Sean finds out when he makes the mistake of ordering a purported blueberry muffin at a certain chain…
Outsider: Seven Days
Another backstage tidbit for you! 7. It never rains in Southern California. As the old song goes, the weather is always warm and inviting in SoCal, especially when the author is in control of the jet stream. It wouldn’t do to have our main character experience less than a Chamber of Commerce-like trip, right?
Outsider: Eight Days
Eight days to go! I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of excited. 8. Sean snarfs down his first In-N-Out cheeseburger I’m reasonably certain Sean has likely been to McDonald’s a number of times, but those visits are essentially offscreen. But since he will be in California, I couldn’t resist having him experience what…
Outsider: Nine Days
Nine days to go! Here’s another tidbit for you. 9. Sean’s not in Windeport any more. Well, technically that’s not entirely true – we do find our intrepid detective starting off in the small seaside village he calls home in the opening pages of Outsider. As it happens, Sean winds up being asked by a…
Countdown: Ten Days Out
I’m a little bit in awe that it’s already mid-February. When I set the publication date for my second book, Outsider, it seemed like it was much further away than it truly was; as you might expect, I’ve had a flurry of last-minute activity doing final adjustments and otherwise ensuring everything is just so and…
I’ve been quieter than normal here for a few reasons. It is the first of the year, which is a busy time for us at my day gig; with the pandemic still raging, most activities are still being conducted remotely for safety, but that doesn’t seem to reduce the amount of work we do (go…
Hardcover is available!
It took longer than I thought to get it out, but the hardcover version of Blindsided is finally available. I have to admit, it’s pretty cool having three different editions available; I’m nearly done reading through the Kindle version (for the first time as a reader) and will tackle the hardcover next, just to get…
Working Ahead
I’ve been alternating between the final edits on the second book in the Sean Colbeth series, Outsider, and the latest book which, surprisingly, will be the fifth. It’s a bit hard to believe I’ve put as much down on virtual paper as I have, but I suppose in retrospect, it’s one of the few bright…
Chapter Titles
Up until my most recent novel, I didn’t assign a name to my chapters other than their number (i.e. “One” or “Thirty-Three”). While I generally have an idea of the theme for each chapter, it wasn’t until I switched to using Scrivener this past November that I was forced to actually think about using them;…