Bygones Tidbits: Part One

boulder cascade creek environment
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I thought it might be kind of cool to repeat something I did for an earlier book release and spend a few posts teasing out a few interesting nuggets from my upcoming novel, Bygones (available September 5, 2022). It’s been a while since we’ve visited with Vasily Korsokovach, and as much as it pains me to say this, it will be a bit before he returns as I have two Sean Colbeth novels waiting in the wings — with at least one of them needing to be out if I want the timing of the events in Requiem to make sense. (Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time I’d release books out of contiguous order…)

So, anyway, here are some nice, hopefully juicy, tidbits on Bygones:

1. It takes place before Downhill.

I mentioned in an earlier post that Vasily’s hairstyle in Downhill spawned a whole book. Well, Bygones is that book — now you can see in graphic, emotional detail how it happened. (Honestly, he’s still a little unsure about the whole thing…)

2. There’s a new investigator in town.

Did I sneak in a new character that may or may not have his own spinoff series at some point? I’ll never tell. (Or did I just spill the beans?)

3. We get to see Cal State Irvine for the first time.

Of course, much like the University of Eastern Maine, Cal State Irvine is a completely fictitious college, though it is an amalgam of several Southern California schools in the greater Los Angeles area. (The fountain that is featured prominently happens to be from a school on the East Coast I visited years ago. I thought it would look better in California.)

4. Rosie’s “cabin” makes an appearance.

Ever since its initial appearance in Pariah, I’ve been trying to work another visit to that marvelous structure in the fictional St. Lucie into another novel. I finally had the perfect excuse with Bygones.

5. We learn a bit more about Alejandro.

There’s quite a journey coming for our young diver and his relationship with Vasily. I don’t want to spoil anything, but let’s just say there are some challenges ahead for the couple.

Okay! That’s it for this post – tune in next time for more goodies on Bygones