Scission (2025)

What do you do when a deity asks for help?

Driven into law enforcement by the mysterious disappearance of her fiancé some thirty years earlier, Captain Kathryn Oliver has spent a lifetime getting answers for those in pain.  It’s a vocation that has left her with a jaded perspective on humanity and a gnawing dread that no matter how hard she works, Kate might never elude the ghosts that have haunted her for decades.  Ghosts that still appear in her in dreams — dreams that, as of late, feel far too real to ignore.

When one of those dreams leads her to charred human remains at the intermodal rail yard in the heart of Santa Marcel and a masked vigilante spouting metaphysical nonsense, Kate writes it all off to exhaustion and hands the case to a colleague, intent on escaping to her early retirement.  It isn’t until the masked stranger alights on her garden wall bearing an explanation far more appropriate to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations than modern Southern California that Kate begins to understand far more than murder has taken place — that, in fact, the very barrier between her reality and another has begun to break down, allowing the very essence of evil to act with an impunity she cannot begin to fathom.

Asked to do the unthinkable, Kate finds herself investigating powerful beings of the Demiurgical Hegemony, deities who have long held the universe together against the prowling darkness.  Deities who are unwilling to admit one among them is creating, one deadly act at a time, the very scission they are attempting to prevent.  Pulled into a world where the lines between reality and mythology are irrevocably blurred, Kate is forced to confront the ghosts of her past as she races to save a future she didn’t know she wanted.

Coming in 2025