Author: Chris Jansmann
I spoke earlier about my experience as a swimmer; I’ve been thinking about that more since posting. As threads often go, I found myself remembering just how much time I spent at the pool growing up; it was a ton even before I joined the local swim club, and then it increased accordingly due to…
I freely admit that having both of my main characters be Olympic swimmers is a form of wish fulfillment on my part. Before you ask, yes , I was a competitive swimmer right up to high school; and, no, I have never competed beyond the regional meets I attended before hanging up my goggles for…
If you are following along, you know I’m in the process of editing the next book in the Sean Colbeth series; I find it an intriguing experience coming back a few months after putting the manuscript to bed and reading it from the top, adjusting as I go. Blindsided managed to add a few thousand extra…
They’re Real To Me
Although Blindsided is my first published work, I’ve written stories off and on for years now. And in each of them, I’ve always felt the characters were actual people, fully fleshed out and replete with emotions, thoughts and motivations that I might not always understand. The tricky part as an author is to display that depth on…
Holiday Cheer
My sincerest hope that you are (safely) among close friends or family during this special month of holidays! I plan to curl up with a good book, a nice cup of coffee and maybe one or more of my favorite movies for this time of year. Like, say, Die Hard. Or Christmas in Connecticut. I…
Hi! I’m Chris.
Welcome to my corner of the universe! I’m a IT nerd by day, and novelist by night. You can find my books on Amazon, including Blindsided, the first in a new series featuring Sean Colbeth and his trusty number two, Vasily Korsokovach. As I do have a day job, the second book won’t be out until February, 2021, with the third appearing…