Author: Chris Jansmann
Eleven Things: Day 2
Continuing with tidbits on Vasily: 2. Vasily surfs I suppose it’s not that surprising, given that Vas is from Southern California. As it happens, his parents had a deep-seated desire for Vasily to become a model or a leading man in Hollywood, so in addition to pushing him (hard) to excel at swimming, they carved…
Pariah is Out!
When things really get going, they get going. All three editions of Pariah are now available for order; you can find them on Amazon as well as most major retailers (save for the Kindle edition). I can’t believe I’ve got three books out there now – what an amazing year of writing it has been!…
Meet Vasily
I’m happy to report that my latest novel, Pariah, will now appear a month earlier than I expected, debuting on July 6, 2021. It’s hard to believe that I wrote the book nearly a year ago; having lived with it rather intensely for the past few weeks while the final edits were completed made it…
I put Pariah to bed this morning. That’s kind of a technical term I’ve picked up from other projects I’ve done over the years; in this case, it means I’ve sent the final manuscript in for publication. Assuming the proofs I see over the next couple of weeks turn out as fabulous as the last…
TBT: Early Sean and Vasily
The main character of my Sean Colbeth Investigates series has been with me for a long time. I think the first time he burst into being was back in 2008. I’d been tinkering around the edges of a science fiction novel that didn’t seem to be going where I wanted it to go, and found…
I’ve started work on my latest novel, and the initial chapter opens in the middle of a rainstorm. My poor main character – in this case, one Vasily Korsokovach – is in no way prepared for the deluge and finds himself grumbling about Mother Nature while he attempts to gather clues. Writing that sequence brought…
Ramping Up
I’m nearly halfway though my third pass editing my next book, Pariah. It’s the first book where Vasily Korsokovach takes center stage and carries the entire story. He’s such a unique character — and so different from my first detective, Sean Colbeth. I’ve had an amazing time seeing the world from his perspective, so much…
We had a bout of weather here in Arizona this past weekend; since it’s so unusual for us to experience gray, overcast days, when it happens, we tend to pause and relish the change in our otherwise normal routine of endless blue skies full of bright sunshine. This particular storm brought snow to the mountains…
That, As They Say, Is That
…save for writing the final chapter and the epilogue. I’d hoped to get a first draft of Book Five done in January, but it was a busier month than I expected. It’ll sit for a bit while I consider what Book Six will be — and, of course, I need to edit Pariah. But it…