I’m in the beginning stages of planning my next book, the one I will begin crafting in April. This stage is always the most interesting, especially when multiple ideas vie for supremacy (as they often do).

I haven’t quite decided which idea will win, something that’s quite unusual for me this late in the game; oddly, I’ve also not entirely settled on who will be getting the next starring role. My original plan after finishing Buried was to visit with Vasily again, but as I’ve re-read the final chapters of Buried, I feel the strange pull from several threads I left dangling there and a deep desire to see where they will lead. It was a tough case for Sean, complicated by even tougher personal issues that unexpectedly cropped up for him. While I naturally had a sense of where his character was going when I started writing that book, the actual path turned out to be far more interesting than I expected; leaving him hanging feels a bit nasty, both for him and for me as the writer.

To paraphrase Tom Jones, it wouldn’t be all that unusual for me to write two Sean Colbeth books back-to-back; over the past six books, that’s actually been how I’ve operated. I’d planned on going back to alternating characters just so they continued to feel fresh to me, but now, as I stare at the winnowing days of March, I’m not so sure any longer. 

I still have a few more days to decide.

As I consider what do to do, one decision that has already been made is to add some bonus content for folks who purchase my next book. I’m still in the early stages of carving that space out on this site — and writing said bonus content — but look for information on how to access it at the end of Focus when it comes out in May. I’m somewhat excited at the idea, and I hope you’ll enjoy something a little different set within my Windeport universe.