We’re just a few weeks away from Vasily’s latest novel, Mirage, hitting shelves so time now for some (possible) spoilers about the upcoming story. I’ve become a bit of a fan of the Q&A format despite it being a conversation with myself; then again, I have all of these characters running around in my head, anyway, so maybe this is just a natural outgrowth of that. 🙂

I listened to your podcast for Vengeance and you hinted that a wedding was in the works…?

I did, didn’t I? Well, not to spoil things too badly but there is movement on that front.

Movement? That’s not an answer.

No, but it’s the best you’re gonna get until the book comes out.

It sounds like you are dealing with Vasily’s past as the son of a wealthy family. I thought he was disowned?

Most of the plot in Mirage revolves around the well-to-do of Orange County, especially a key incident that brings Vasily’s mother back into the picture. I spent some time painting in the background of what it was like for Vasily to grow up in Southern California in Requiem, and that exploration left me wanting, well, more. I’ve always had in the back of my head that his relationship to his parents — and his past — was far more complicated that Vas had actually revealed to us, and Mirage allowed me to surface it; doing it as part of a murder investigation adds some delicious angles and opportunities that might not have otherwise presented themselves.

Please tell me that Rosie makes an appearance.

Oh yes, our favorite millionaire author is definitely in this story. She even has a part in helping Vas solve the case this time out — something she’ll likely never let him live down, I suspect. We also get to see her for the first time navigating the shoals of high society, something that I fervently wish we could see on television someday. (I keep changing my mind about the actor that could play her; obviously, were Lauren Bacall still around, she’d be my first choice. But as of late I see a little bit of Kate Mulgrew in her.)

In Requiem, Alejandro seemed unsettled in his new career at Cal State Irvine. Are changes afoot?

I noticed that as well, and those misgivings do become even more pronounced in Mirage. I’m not entirely certain where those are heading, honestly; we’ll see more on that front in Masks, with a possible resolution in the novel set after that.

How has adding a cat to the mix changed writing Vasily?

Oh, brother — quite a bit, actually. Before our feline fur baby arrived at the end of Requiem, Alex and Vas were footloose and fancy free. Now they have to actually plan their getaways since Chat is not a fan of being alone. Gone are the spur of the moment long weekends traveling; I actually feel guilty each time I leave the poor kitty alone for a few hours. (Weird, right?)

Okay, that’s it for now! Be sure to order your book now so it arrives the instant it becomes available on the Kindle. For fans of paperback and hardcover, those will be available to order on the day of release.